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A woman is getting her hair cut at the salon.

What is LPG?

A red and orange button with an arrow pointing to it.

LPG Machine

Experience the global phenomenon! The LPG Endermologie Device, born in France with 30+ years of expertise, is renowned worldwide with 80,000+ centers. This innovation is known for cellulite reduction while also targeting fat in arms, back, waist, stomach, thighs (for women), and chest, thighs, back, stomach, and calves (for men). Beyond body sculpting, it enhances skin quality, firmness, and fluid mobilization and can help with poor circulation and aesthetics; LPG blends it all seamlessly. Explore the French excellence now!


Treatments are tailored for both men and women, from revitalizing arms, waist, and thighs to specialized treatments for relaxation and circulation. Experience rejuvenation with targeted face treatments that smooth wrinkles and refresh your skin. Indulge in our signature treatments like Skin Awakening and Cellular Stimulation for a radiant glow and witness a reduction in the orange-peel aspect of skin, gaining a visibly firmer appearance. With LPG’s advanced technology, each session promises to sculpt, tone, and rejuvenate, delivering visible results that redefine beauty and wellness.


LPG’s endermologie technology operates through a unique process of mechanical stimulation. It involves precise suction of the skin tissue, followed by a gentle release. This action activates the body’s natural fat release and skin firming mechanisms. It enhances collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production, crucial for skin health. This method effectively reduces the appearance of cellulite and firms the skin, making it a non-invasive, scientifically-backed solution for skin rejuvenation and body contouring.

Precision Safety

Precision Safety is a cornerstone of LPG’s technology. The controlled suction and release of skin tissue are meticulously calibrated to provide effective stimulation without causing discomfort or harm. This safety-first approach guarantees that treatments are effective and consistently safe for all skin types, making the LPG experience both reassuring and beneficial for users seeking non-invasive skin and body improvements.

Prepared for Success

To prepare for an LPG Endermologie session, it’s important to wear the specific bodysuit provided. This suit is designed to facilitate the treatment’s mechanical stimulation effectively and hygienically. It’s recommended to arrive well-hydrated and avoid heavy meals prior to the session. Discuss any specific concerns or areas of focus with your specialist to tailor the treatment to your needs. Following these guidelines will help ensure a comfortable and effective session, maximizing the benefits of the LPG Endermologie treatment

LPG Machine

Experience the global phenomenon! The LPG Endermologie Device, born in France with 30+ years of expertise, is renowned worldwide with 80,000+ centers. This innovation is known for cellulite reduction while also targeting fat in arms, back, waist, stomach, thighs (for women), and chest, thighs, back, stomach, and calves (for men). Beyond body sculpting, it enhances skin quality, firmness, and fluid mobilization and can help with poor circulation and aesthetics; LPG blends it all seamlessly. Explore the French excellence now!


Treatments are tailored for both men and women, from revitalizing arms, waist, and thighs to specialized treatments for relaxation and circulation. Experience rejuvenation with targeted face treatments that smooth wrinkles and refresh your skin. Indulge in our signature treatments like Skin Awakening and Cellular Stimulation for a radiant glow and witness a reduction in the orange-peel aspect of skin, gaining a visibly firmer appearance. With LPG’s advanced technology, each session promises to sculpt, tone, and rejuvenate, delivering visible results that redefine beauty and wellness.


LPG’s endermologie technology operates through a unique process of mechanical stimulation. It involves precise suction of the skin tissue, followed by a gentle release. This action activates the body’s natural fat release and skin firming mechanisms. It enhances collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production, crucial for skin health. This method effectively reduces the appearance of cellulite and firms the skin, making it a non-invasive, scientifically-backed solution for skin rejuvenation and body contouring.

Precision Safety

Precision Safety is a cornerstone of LPG’s technology. The controlled suction and release of skin tissue are meticulously calibrated to provide effective stimulation without causing discomfort or harm. This safety-first approach guarantees that treatments are effective and consistently safe for all skin types, making the LPG experience both reassuring and beneficial for users seeking non-invasive skin and body improvements.

Prepared for Success

To prepare for an LPG Endermologie session, it’s important to wear the specific bodysuit provided. This suit is designed to facilitate the treatment’s mechanical stimulation effectively and hygienically. It’s recommended to arrive well-hydrated and avoid heavy meals prior to the session. Discuss any specific concerns or areas of focus with your specialist to tailor the treatment to your needs. Following these guidelines will help ensure a comfortable and effective session, maximizing the benefits of the LPG Endermologie treatment

KEY Workout Perks

01 Targeted Fat Reduction

The LPG Endermologie Device targets stubborn fat and cellulite by mechanically stimulating the skin and underlying tissues. This stimulation breaks down fat cells in areas like saddlebags and thighs, reshaping the body.

02 Benefits

Skin Tone Improvement: Mechanical stimulation rejuvenates the skin, enhancing its tone and texture for a radiant appearance.

Cellulite Reduction: The LPG Endermologie Device’s cellulite reduction stands out because it targets cellulite mechanically, not just superficially. It stimulates deep tissue, promoting natural fat release and skin tightening, unlike creams or superficial treatments. This method ensures more lasting and visible results in skin firming and smoothing.

03 Low Impact, High Results:

The device’s gentle approach effectively treats the skin and tissues without discomfort, suitable for all skin types.

04 Skin Health:

This treatment rejuvenates skin health, promoting a youthful glow

05 Lymphatic Drainage:

Lymphatic Drainage: The LPG Endermologie Device enhances lymphatic drainage, crucial for detoxification. It activates lymphatic circulation, aiding in the removal of toxins and reducing water retention.

06 Efficiency and Convenience:

Provides quick, effective treatments, ideal for busy schedules, with a range of options from 10 to 75 minutes.

07 Accessibility:

LPG body treatments start with a consultation where your goals and skin are assessed. You’ll wear a specialized garment, and the therapist configures the LPG machine. During the treatment, the machine’s rollers massage and suction your skin, addressing concerns like cellulite, body contouring, or skin tightening. Sessions last 30 minutes to an hour. Aftercare may involve hydration and skincare recommendations. Optimal results often require multiple sessions over weeks or months, performed by trained professionals. Consult with your therapist for personalized guidance on your LPG body treatment journey.

08 Enjoyable Workout Experience:

: LPG transforms skincare routines into a relaxing, spa-like indulgence, offering a soothing, enjoyable experience.

Is LPG treatment Safe for Everyone?

LPG Endermologie is recognized for its safety and non-invasive nature. It’s not advisable for individuals with specific health conditions, such as active cancer or severe circulatory disorders, and pregnant women to use LPG Endermologie without first consulting with healthcare professionals. This is a precaution to ensure the treatment is safe and appropriate for their particular health situation. Pregnant women should also seek advice prior to using LPG. These consultations are key to ensuring the therapy is suitable and safe for their unique health needs, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of LPG Endermologie with peace of mind.


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