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Infrared Power Treadmill

A white motorcycle with a rainbow colored logo.

What Is Infra Power Treadmill

A red and orange button with an arrow pointing to it.


The INFRA POWER TREADMILL combines cardio training with therapeutic InfraRed technology for fitness and therapeutic benefits. Philips’ advanced InfraRed emitters offer deep tissue penetration, skin firming, and a comforting warmth, aiding in fat burning and muscle relaxation. Ideal for fitness enthusiasts seeking physical and therapeutic advantages in one workout.

Custom Intensity

Users can select from various intensity levels and program options, ensuring their cardio training aligns perfectly with their personal fitness objectives, whether it’s weight loss, endurance improvement, or general health. The advanced technology not only contributes to better cardiovascular health but also maximizes the therapeutic benefits of InfraRed, resulting in improved overall workout results.


The INFRA POWER TREADMILL is distinct in its fusion of cardio training with Philips InfraRed technology. This integration not only aids in enhancing cardiovascular workouts but also in providing therapeutic effects such as skin rejuvenation and muscle relaxation. This feature sets it apart from traditional treadmills, offering a unique combination of fitness enhancement and health benefits.

Precision Safety

The INFRA POWER TREADMILL’s safety is enhanced by a specialized electromagnetic braking system, which provides immediate and smooth stopping capabilities. This feature is particularly crucial for a treadmill with InfraRed technology, ensuring a safe experience even at higher intensities or temperatures.

Prepared for Success

Optimize your sessions by beginning with a light warm-up to acclimate to the InfraRed environment. Adjust the intensity gradually, aligning with personal comfort and fitness levels. Regular hydration and attention to form are key. For the best results, combine your treadmill workouts with a balanced diet and adequate rest.

KEY Workout Perks

01 Targeted Fat Reduction

Say goodbye to stubborn fat in challenging areas like the abdomen and thighs as you transform your body with each stride, precisely targeting and accelerating fat loss where you want it most.

02 Benefits

Strength Training Complement: Elevate your workout with muscle definition, complementing your strength training regimen for a sculpted physique.

Effective in Smoothing Skin: Watch as cellulite becomes a thing of the past, revealing smoother, envy-worthy skin with each session.

03 Low Impact, High Results:

Its design ensures a low-impact workout, making it suitable for a wide range of users, including those with joint concerns or in recovery phases.

04 Cardiovascular Health:

Unlike regular treadmills, the INFRA POWER TREADMILL combines intense cardiovascular workouts with therapeutic InfraRed technology. This integration not only elevates your heart rate but also enhances heart muscle strength and endurance. The unique Infrared emitters penetrate deep into your tissues, promoting efficient calorie burning and overall heart health. With this advanced technology, you’ll experience a more effective and energizing cardiovascular workout, ultimately contributing to lasting vitality.

05 Lymphatic Drainage:

Elevating your workout with therapeutic InfraRed technology, this treadmill enhances lymphatic drainage, aiding in the removal of toxins from your body. This unique feature promotes better overall health and wellness, making your workout a detoxifying experience unlike any other.

06 Efficiency and Convenience:

Designed for quick yet effective workouts, ideal for those with busy lifestyles. It effectively delivers both cardiovascular and fat-burning benefits, maximizing efficiency in each session.

07 Accessibility:

Designed with accessibility in mind, this treadmill welcomes beginners and simplifies fitness. It offers a straightforward yet effective workout, making it an ideal choice for those new to exercise.

08 Enjoyable Workout Experience:

This treadmill turns exercise into an engaging activity with its unique InfraRed technology, creating a warm and soothing environment. This feature, combined with a smooth running surface and customizable programs, ensures an enjoyable and immersive workout experience far from the monotony of traditional gym routines.

Is the Power Treadmill Safe for Everyone?

The Infra Power Treadmill boasts robust safety features, ensuring it’s suitable for a wide range of users. However, individuals with specific health conditions, such as heart problems, pregnancy, or musculoskeletal concerns, should consult with healthcare professionals before use. This precaution is especially important due to the treadmill’s unique InfraRed technology, ensuring that it aligns with each individual’s health needs while delivering a safe and effective workout experience.


The INFRA POWER TREADMILL combines cardio training with therapeutic InfraRed technology for fitness and therapeutic benefits. Philips’ advanced InfraRed emitters offer deep tissue penetration, skin firming, and a comforting warmth, aiding in fat burning and muscle relaxation. Ideal for fitness enthusiasts seeking physical and therapeutic advantages in one workout.

Custom Intensity

Users can select from various intensity levels and program options, ensuring their cardio training aligns perfectly with their personal fitness objectives, whether it’s weight loss, endurance improvement, or general health. The advanced technology not only contributes to better cardiovascular health but also maximizes the therapeutic benefits of InfraRed, resulting in improved overall workout results.


The INFRA POWER TREADMILL is distinct in its fusion of cardio training with Philips InfraRed technology. This integration not only aids in enhancing cardiovascular workouts but also in providing therapeutic effects such as skin rejuvenation and muscle relaxation. This feature sets it apart from traditional treadmills, offering a unique combination of fitness enhancement and health benefits.

Precision Safety

The INFRA POWER TREADMILL’s safety is enhanced by a specialized electromagnetic braking system, which provides immediate and smooth stopping capabilities. This feature is particularly crucial for a treadmill with InfraRed technology, ensuring a safe experience even at higher intensities or temperatures.

Prepared for Success

Optimize your sessions by beginning with a light warm-up to acclimate to the InfraRed environment. Adjust the intensity gradually, aligning with personal comfort and fitness levels. Regular hydration and attention to form are key. For the best results, combine your treadmill workouts with a balanced diet and adequate rest.

KEY Workout Perks

01 Targeted Fat Reduction:

The climber uniquely targets and tones the legs and buttocks more effectively than traditional stair climbers, due to specialized motion and intensity control, which are further enhanced by the unique incorporation of infrared technology. This integration not only intensifies the workout’s impact on these specific muscle groups but also aids in more efficient fat reduction and improved circulation, offering a distinctive and effective lower-body training experience.

02 Benefits:

Strength Training Complement: Offers cardio benefits, complementing strength routines for better muscle definition.

Effective in Smoothing Skin: Utilizing infrared technology, it surpasses conventional climbers in reducing cellulite and improving skin firmness.

03 Low Impact, High Results:

Specially designed to cater to both beginners and advanced users, offering a range of difficulties that are not typically available in standard climbers.

04 Cardiovascular Health:

Elevates heart health more efficiently through its unique exercise dynamics and infrared technology.

05 Lymphatic Drainage:

The climber’s motion, combined with infrared technology, promotes lymphatic drainage more effectively than traditional workouts. This aids in detoxifying the body, enhancing overall health and well-being.

06 Efficiency and Convenience:

Its design enables quick yet thorough exercise sessions. The climber provides a full-body workout, optimizing calorie burn and muscle toning in a shorter timeframe, perfect for those with busy schedules.

07 Accessibility:

The climber is intuitively designed for ease of use. Its straightforward controls and ergonomic structure make it accessible, reducing intimidation for new users and enhancing comfort for all fitness levels.

08 Enjoyable Workout Experience:

The climber offers a unique, enjoyable workout experience, setting it apart from traditional machines. Its combination of climbing motion and infrared technology keeps workouts interesting, motivating users to maintain a consistent fitness routine.

Is the Power Treadmill Safe for Everyone?

The Infra Power Treadmill boasts robust safety features, ensuring it’s suitable for a wide range of users. However, individuals with specific health conditions, such as heart problems, pregnancy, or musculoskeletal concerns, should consult with healthcare professionals before use. This precaution is especially important due to the treadmill’s unique InfraRed technology, ensuring that it aligns with each individual’s health needs while delivering a safe and effective workout experience.